Paraná de las Palmas River - 2021
1230 x 430 cm - hand tufted wool
In the last decades, the region of the Paraná wetland in Argentina, a habitance of biodiversity, has been dammed and polderized in order to favour the production of trees, mainly invasive species that are now out of control.
In the last years, and especially during the lockdown, intentional burns of native wetlands were increased to get rid of the vegetation, dry the wetlands, and prioritize the inclusion of cattle. In addition to these eco disasters, there is a project of fuel plants and treatments of residuary of fuel production to be installed next to the National Park Deer of the Wetlands.
The wetlands are vital ecosystems, yet they remain unprotected. There is an urge among the population to pass the Law of Wetlands, “Ley de Humedales”, that Argentinian governments deny to pass on since 2013 when several proposals have been presented due to this emergency.
These works come as a result of documenting an abandoned “quinta” for wood production economy, and presence how non invasive species, as well as local fauna, starts to appear, looking for a place of safety of survival.

Paraná River Prayer Rugs Series
This project´s main outcome consists of two large textile works. The first work which is Paraná de las Palmas River (2021), that was commissioned by the Kunsthal Kade Museum in Amersfoort. This first work depicts the story of how we have been relating as humans to this fragile ecosystem of the Paraná wetlands. And a second work, which is the piece Wetland (2021), done for the Facebook headquarters in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Paraná de las Palmas River - 2021
1230 x 430 cm - hand tufted wool

All projects and commissions done within this project, had as an aim to protect and conserve vaster regions of the Parana wetlands in which the project is based. The project’s outcome was also de creation of the Paraná de las Palmas Reserve, a piece of land that is immersed in the Wetlands, a natural ecosystem that can be found about 50 kilometers from Buenos Aires in Argentina. This place can now be visited.

Commissioned work for Facebook/Meta headquarters offices in Buenos Aires, Argentina.